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Dr. med. Uwe Auf der Strasse

Since the first edition of my book was released in 5/2019 I have received a lot of positive feedback, and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you. The website and the book are increasingly found by those who suffer from chronic active toxoplasmosis, and in many cases their doctors are open-minded and ready to deal with this topic - I am always looking forward to cooperate with interested colleagues. The work in the practice continues, and while doing some research about difficult cases, I come across other findings and therapeutic options.  Some of these informations become essential for my daily work, and I would like to share it here, as the next edition of my book is still a long way off.  



The Update July 2020 deals with chlamydial infections. These can be responsible for some specific symptoms, but  they can also cause a disease that resembles in some aspects the symptoms of a  chronic active toxoplasmosis. Therefore chlamydial infections  should be taken in account when the differential diagnosis is performed. Fortunately, the usual antibody assays are much more reliable in detecting chlamydia than in detecting toxoplasma. A checklist with typical symptoms of chlamydia  can be downloaded free of charge.



The Update December 2020 deals with the fact that according to recent research, Covid-19 weakens our immune system in a certain neuralgic point, and this may in some cases lead to increased toxoplasma activity. Currently I know about 4 patients in whom previously mild Toxoplasmosis symptoms worsened significantly after a Covid-19 infection. These patients have been treated successfully; the documentation of one of these cases (case 4) is available course of under "Case reports".



A big step forward in 2021 would be if I finally succeeded in convincing a university to perform a clinical study on chronic active Toxoplasmosis - I have been trying to achieve this for five years now. This seemed to come into reach in  August 2020, when the Stanley Medical Research Institute granted me funding to support a clinical study. I am very thankful for this backing, but there is still no medical department that would be interested.  Sadly the traditional point of view, that Toxoplasma would be more or less harmless except in immunocompromised persons, still prevails. 

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